Release Notes - November 2024

Paper Mode Update

With the removal of our standalone Knowledgehook Teacher app from mobile app stores due to low usage and a renewed focus on a seamless browser experience, one result is that Papermode will no longer be available as it was built exclusively for our native app. Fragments of Paper Mode remained on the site in the form of dead links, download buttons, and old guides. We have gone through the site to remove these retired links.

While we currently do not have a replacement for Paper Mode, we hope to bring it back in the future with a revitalized mobile Teacher app. In the meantime, if your class has a low device-to-student ratio, you can run a GameShow as the Teacher and use a single device to answer GameShow questions after polling your class on what answer to choose. Host the GameShow on your computer and join it as a student on your mobile device to be the sole student answering the questions and progressing through the GameShow.

User Interface Updates and Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a bug that prevented students from seeing the numbers they typed in the class code box during sign-in.
  • Removed the unlinked light bulb icon when viewing a Report that only held hover text.
  • Updated the "I can" statement fragment to be localized according to the Class/Course language. Previously, "I can" sentences appeared in both English and French if the class language did not match the account language setting.
  • Fixed an issue where older classes that were automatically upgraded to ClassOS Pro could become downgraded if a new class was created. If affected, older classes may still be downgraded and need to be fixed, but this bug will not continue to create new incidents in the future.
  • Fixed a bug where Freeform Question Answer Reports on Parent's pages were not rendering correctly.