ClassOS Pro

Get just-in-time Teacher Supports that use assessment data and enhanced reports to improve teaching practice

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How It Works

Example of the first page of a “Misconception Chart” document
Teacher Support Documents

Misconception Charts

The Misconception Chart describes typical learning gaps, misconceptions and common errors (i.e. “What am I seeing?”) and provides teaching tips and strategies for preventing and addressing them (i.e. “What can I do?”)

Example of the first page of a “Misconception Chart” document
Example of the first 2 pages of an “Intervention Questions” document
Example of the first 2 pages of an “Intervention Questions” document
Teacher Support Documents

Intervention Questions

The Intervention questions can be assigned to students in order to assess individual students' specific intervention needs. There is also an accompanying guide with descriptions of why each question has been included (i.e. which specific content it addresses) and important things to observe, as well as a set of answers.

Example of the first 2 pages of a “Math Background” document
Teacher Support Documents

Math Background Documents

Math Background documents are organized by pedagogical and mathematical big ideas and are designed to help teachers make the mathematics they are teaching as meaningful as possible for their students. The document will often cover material spanning multiple grades in order to provide you with some perspective on related prior and future learning. A glossary of terms specific to the topic is included.

Example of the first 2 pages of a “Math Background” document
Computer showing the reports page on Knowledgehook
Computer showing the reports page on Knowledgehook
Additional Pro Tool

Enhanced Reports

The enhanced reporting features provide teachers a comprehensive toolkit to enhance instructional strategies. On the main reports page, teachers can easily identify top gap areas in the classroom. These areas are categorized based on how many students are having difficulties with certain concepts. Additionally, individual reports are available, acting as a quick summary of how well students are performing in specific activities assigned. This helps teachers understand where students need more support and how they are progressing. Downloadable results are available to complement these features, enabling teachers to tailor their instruction to address the identified gaps.